Our wonderful president Mike Kort was out sick and we were lucky enough to have our very own past president Stephanie Sieminski fill in. Our speaker for the evening was 2 time golden glove boxer Alicia Doyle. She took us through her path on becoming a boxer and later a celebrated author.
Our wonderful president Mike Kort was out sick and we were lucky enough to have our very own past president Stephanie Sieminski fill in. Our speaker for the evening was 2 time golden glove boxer Alicia Doyle. She took us through her path on becoming a boxer and later a celebrated author.
During our meeting two pieces of business were brought up. The first is that the past presidents have selected Robert Sherman as our PEN. The second was our President Elect William Saunders announced the positions he has filled for his year's board(See Below). As is with our by-laws other nominations can be made for all positions and that is open to the whole club in good standing.
William Selected Board:
Past President: Mike Kort
President Elect: Robert Sherman
Treasurer: Ryan Mills
Secretary: Linda Ferry
Community Service: Sally Tomniczak
Vocational: Andrew Malher
International: Darrell DuMond
Membership: Paula Miller
Youth Services: Mark Lowry
Sergent at Arms: Joe Grossman
Foundation: Rick Grossman
Communication: Gurgen Hovhannisyan
Positions Still Open
Club Service