Simi Sunset club member, Amanda Wilson, shared her recent experience on a National Immunization Day (NID) trip to India. NID is a yearly activity that usually consists of Rotarians from all over the world heading to India for a couple weeks where planning committees organize strategic teams that conduct door to door immunizations. The goal... to End Polio Now! During the door to door immunizations, Rotarians provide drops for children to help their bodies become immune to the virus. Amanda shared that 170 - 172 million children were immunized in one day. Our district, along with our club, helps to support members that would like to go. Our District NID Coordinator, Anil Garg (also present this evening) has been on over a dozen NID trips to aid our district team in India.
Amanda had this to say about her trip: "As a club, as rotary, as a people, we can accomplish anything. Polio eradication in India is a great example of this. Step by step, drop by drop, child by child, house by house, year by year; we are changing lives and the world. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary. Stay the course and we can soar."
Amanda also delighted us with some Indian food (Chaat and Samosas) and showed off some souvenirs she brought back.