The Rotary Club of Simi Sunset would like to inform the community that we are also raising funds for America's 911 Foundation Inc. Please contact for more information.
Businesses, or community members, may sponsor a banner at the tribute event for a donation of $50 or more.  The banners will be hung at the tribute event. You may remove the banners after the event if you would like to display it at your office or home. All proceeds will go to America's 911 Foundation Inc. The banner is 12" x 36" with grommets.. The banner can be personalized with a company logo, or an individual, with whatever they would like to have say on it. All content must be approved by The Rotary Club of Simi Sunset. 
Please reach out to if you are interested in donating to 9/11 charities with a banner sponsorship. 
The Rotary Club of Simi Sunset would like to inform the community that we are also raising funds for 9/11 organizations as part of the 20th anniversary of 9/11 community event we are hosting at Lemon park on September 11th, 2021. Businesses, or community members, may sponsor a banner at the tribute event for a donation of $50 or more.  The banners will be hung at the tribute event. You may remove the banners after the event if you would like to display it at your office or home. All proceeds will go to selected non-profit 9/11 organizations. The banner is 12" x 36" with grommets.. The banner can be personalized with a company logo, or an individual, with whatever they would like to have say on it. All content must be approved by The Rotary Club of Simi Sunset. 
Please reach out to if you are interested in donating to 9/11 charities with a banner sponsorship.