History Professor from Cal. Lutheran University
Dec 04, 2018 7:00 PM
Michaela Crawford Reaves, Ph.D.
History Professor from Cal. Lutheran University

Dr. Reaves specializes in American history, with an emphasis in sociocultural history. Her dissertation work was in the social organization of agrarian societies in California in the 1870s. She has published multiple articles and several reviews, including an essay for the Alexander Street Database on fractious farmers. Dr. Reaves is currently working on a paper entitled "The Colonial Crone: Women and Menopause in Colonial America" and another on "Agrarian Social Protest" in the late 19th century.  She has been chosen Professor of the Year three times by the senior classes of CLU and received the President's Award for Teaching Excellence. From 2008-2011 she collaborated with the Moorpark Unified School District to bring a U.S. Department of Education grant for Teaching American History (TAH) to three local school districts. In 2011, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) collaborated with her Cold War America class to "Declassify the Cold War" and two years later a grant on Cold War artifacts, e.g. fall-out shelters in Nike missile sites, involved Capstone and Honors students in hands-on research of cultural memory.  With experiential learning projects a part of several classes, her latest is facilitated by a grant from the Library of America in remembrance of World War One.